A few details for the uninitiated

The Appalachian Trail is a marked hiking path traveling between Springer Mountain in Georgia and Mount Katahdin in Maine; a distance of 2,184 miles.

A thru-hiker is someone who hikes the entire AT (Appalachian Trail) in one year. There are also section-hikers, who make the trek a piece at a time over multiple years. Going from South to North, hikers have to begin around March or April to avoid the coldest temperatures, but also because Mt. Katahdin in Maine can be closed to hikers as the weather starts to get bad in September and October. Time is of the essence.

Most hikers put in around 15 miles each day of their trip, with the occasional 0 mile day thrown in to refresh. With backpacks weighing anywhere from 20lbs to a whopping 40lbs, hikers are required to keep everything they'll need on them at all times. Ideally a hikers pack weight should be under 30lbs, which can be a difficult challenge for anyone accustomed to the luxuries of modern living. Given enough time, research and introspective thought, however, one can put together a personalized light-weight pack with much of the personalization we're used to dropped by the wayside.