Hiawassee weekend

We were given a ride into town (thanks to the Hiawassee Inn) in an incredibly beat up old van. I especially enjoyed the pile of crushed soda cans, ashtray overflowing with butts, bags of fast food, and metal baseball bat the driver kept at his side.
The Inn was pretty dumpy, but we were all pretty pumped to have four walls. Beast Mode stayed with Tim and me, while CVS stayed with our Israeli friends. We relaxed, ate lots of food, and at night all got pretty drunk.
On Sunday Beast Mode moved on, while Tim and I moved to the Holiday Inn Express to meet up with my mom and Vince.
Food was stocked, gear was abandoned, and Game of Thrones was watched. Here's to HBOGo!
It was a great time in civilization, but Tim and I were eager to get back on that dusty trail.
With all this great food and our packs both a bit lighter the future keeps looking up. Of course when mountains are looming you kind of have to, but stronger knees and stronger backs should help us carry our weight.
One last night in luxury, and then back to the solitude of our camaraderie.