What a drop

Today was only a little over 11 miles, but it was pretty rough. We descended 3300 feet over 4 miles. Had I needed to descend something like this in the first week I would have blown out my knees. Even with the practice we have, and the shape that we're now in, it got a touch painful by the end. Thankfully though, we were at least granted a fantastic vista of the clouds settling between the mountains. Waking up at 7am, packing away a soaking wet tent, and stuffing your face before walking up a few hundred feet does grant a few amazing perks. I saw this by around 9am, and it made my whole morning.
Today was much lonelier hiking than yesterday. Other than Mr. Fantastic and Aspen Glow I only saw two day-hikers out on the trail with their dog.
Aspen Glow was going to press on past where we planned to camp, when he realized it was an 8 mile hike up 3500 feet. He decided to camp here with us. It's a nice area, good water, and only an eighth of a mile from the NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center).
They convinced me to join them for some dinner at the restaurant, which was definitely worth the trip. The NOC is a little tiny spot in the middle of nothing that caters to hikers and white water kayaking. All that's there is a tiny general store, a gear shop (kayaking gear in this case), and a restaurant overlooking the rapids. Dinner was great. The food was perfectly prepared, the beer local and icy cold, and the bathrooms weren't composting toilets. All in all well worth the 0.8 mile hike there and back.
I finished the Dark Tower audio book, and find it's a great way to keep my pace constant and my mind active. it was also a fun book, particularly if you've read the others. Though not necessary, I don't think. I believe next will be Rant by Chuck Palahniuk.
We have a lot of big ascents and descents ahead, including Clingman's Dome which is the highest point on the trail. It's all good training for what's to come though. Getting beat up out here is always good, so long as you don't hurt yourself.
Here's hoping for a dry morning!