
I slept to the sound of running water, as the stream was corralled beneath the cabin. A biker came late and took a third bed, then left in the morning before sunrise. Walking over to the kitchen I got to see everyone enjoying the use of a stove for breakfast foods. I raided the hostel store as well for my own. We set our shoes out to dry in the sun, which was shining brightly today!
Laundry was a fun task for all, as we got to use a washboard, but a real dryer. It did a great job and we all left with the distinct aroma of clean.
We waited until 12:30 to leave, giving our shoes ample time to dry, and had another pizza for lunch. The Standing Bear Farm was the best hostel I've seen so far and made for an oasis on the trail.
It took so long to dry out that we decided for an easy 8 mile day. The hike started all uphill, but after the refueling I got it felt easy. After climbing for 6 miles I arrived at the top of a man-made bald, catching up with Tapeworm, Stonechair, and Dick Flap (whose name seems to be changing to Too Far). It had a fantastic view, and was the first we've really seen the trail open up quite like this. It got us all excited for the balds of the northern parts of the trail. Purple Rain quickly joined us, along with a couple of section hikers who were also at Standing Bear, and then Mr. Fantastic. Lastly a guy came up who had gone the wrong way out of Standing Bear. He doesn't have a trail name yet.
We all enjoyed the bald and ate from our fresh stockpiles, then left in a big hiker-train as it started to get late (except for Tapeworm who had gotten a head start). When we got into camp we rejoined a pair of section hikers, Lost & Found and What Not, as well as a couple and a father and son. I set my tent up, and it feels good to be back in it. I prefer the quiet privacy of my tent to the sport of social snoring in the shelters.
The night brought a lot of laughs and interesting conversation. A long series of quotes from Dumb & Dumber and Forrest Gump, as well as a pretty deep video game conversation with the couple from North Carolina.
Coming up we've got two 13 mile days to bring us to Hot Springs. Everyone has been getting excited for this place, as it's supposed to be really nice. We will see soon enough.