A room with a view

Another cold morning today, but this time we were all prepared for it. I got started a little later than planned, but 7:45 is early enough. Cooking a hot breakfast slowed me down, but as I was basically out of options for food I did my best. A strawberry Carnation breakfast and some apple cinnamon oatmeal peppered with raisins and cranberries. Not bad, but not enough.
A filling breakfast really does make all the difference out here on the trail, and my first few miles today were mired in hunger pangs and shuffling feet. It's amusing that my exhaustion no longer affects my lungs or my muscles, but just overall energy.
I stopped and had my lunch at about the 10 mile marker, and it definitely helped. More GORP and my last other item of food, a Lipton pasta side. My first hot lunch on the trail.
The last three miles found me a bit more energized, but still lagging. We may be spreading a little cold around our hiking troupe, as Mr. Fantastic and Purple Rain were sneezy and tired as well. Plus when you pass around a bottle of booze you get what you deserve.
I walked into Hot Springs at around 2:30 and made a beeline for the diner. Mr. Fantastic was out front stretching, and we joined James (still no trail name) on the deck. We also ended up sitting next to Lavender and Reid, who we thought had given up but had just hitched around the Smokies. Reid has a trail name finally: Mustafa Ibraham. They both regaled us with a crazy story about how Mustafa and his dog Rose fell off the back of a pickup truck while going about 20mph. Rose apparently leaned against the gate and it fell open, causing her hind legs to fall out. As she desperately clawed to get back up, Mustafa dove to grab her and they both tumbled off. He now has a concussion, so they've just been relaxing in town for a few days until his bearing are straight. Rose is doing fine.
We crossed the street headed toward the Sunnybank Inn hostel after devouring our respective meals, and were shocked to see how awesome it is. It's just a big house full of hikers, with some very cool owners, and a book collection to make any bibliophile jealous. There's a second story deck, a music room, a gorgeous kitchen, movie collection in the living room, and I have my own room. All for 10 bucks, with food included! It is unfortunately vegetarian, but I think I'll manage. Also staying here tonight are James, Dick Flap, Stonechair, Tapeworm, Meta, Optimus, Purple Rain, Early Bird, and a couple others I've yet to meet.
As exhausted as I am, there are plans tonight. A few of us are going to walk a block to the bar and have a drink with Lost & Found and What Not, since Hot Springs marks the end of their section hike. They're buying us a round, so that obviously has to happen.
Unfortunately this town has no signal for AT&T, but charging my electronics, taking a shower, doing laundry, eating real food (that I didn't cook), and socializing with the other hikers outweighs contact with the real world. Here's looking forward to a bountiful resupply tonight or tomorrow, and then back on the trail. Someone has to stop the grass from growing.