Back on Track

The unfortunate side effect of camping by water in the woods is the condensation. I expected it, but my tent was quite soaked through by morning dew.
We had a short 12.4 day planned, taking us to Moreland Shelter. Everyone was feeling lethargic today except for me. It was a welcome change to feel strong after a few weak days. I'd prefer everyone feel good at the same time, but that never seems to be the case.
Shortly after eating and setting out, the 4 of us bumped into Dick Flap/Too Far and Stonechair as they headed South. Apparently the note left in a shelter we read previously was left by either Meta or Tapeworm to mess with us/him. It definitely worked. After Dick Flap and Stonechair felt better they had started hiking South back toward Erwin, and then plan to hitch back to Damascus. We should reach Damascus at about the same time, so that could be entertaining. We all shared stories about what to see and what to avoid to the North and to the South. It was very valuable for all of us to be able to relate such detailed info to each group.
Meta is between 1-2 days ahead of us, and Tapeworm is off the trail having his ankle looked at. Hopefully all is well with him soon.
Moving on I took the lead and lost my retinue by the time we reached the first shelter. It was a fun walk for me, winding past waterfalls, and I decided to take my lunch 7.4 miles in at Upper Laurel Fork. It gave a great location for soaking ones feet and drying out some clothes. I'm listening to 11-22-63 by Stephen King with my hike and lunch today. If you're a fan of his Derry stories (It in particular, since this features some of the same characters), time travel, or JFK then I highly recommend it.
My heel is getting rubbed a little raw lately, I think from salty socks. The girls were talking about their fear of spiders last night, and this morning I was thinking about my fear of wet, crunchy socks. I think my fear is greater.
I made it to the shelter at 3pm, which is a time I love. I set out my solar charger and wet clothes to soak up some rays, and started into a second lunch. Tree Trunks and his dog Rose arrived right after me, and then the rest of my group, along with Pinky and the Four Old Broads (section hikers). Memorial Day weekend brings a lot of people out to the trail, some are unfortunately of the wrong element and leave trash around. Leave no trace is a pretty simple mantra for the forest. Thankfully all the section hikers here tonight are very cool.
Mr. Fantastic and I both overate to our hearts contents this evening, and at least for me it was much overdo.
Tomorrow is an insanely easy and fun day, to all of our mock chagrin. We hike 7 miles to Laurel Falls, the supposedly fantastic swimming hole with rope swing. After taking a long lunch there, we have 2.5 miles into Hampton. No hitching required.
We plan to get a room, nice but cheap, and be able to launder and shower. We're all very excited, as is out wont, and it should be a day to remember. Any meal in town is memorable, to be honest.