An early night

Today tricked all of us. We expected a simple day, even easier than yesterday, but we were in for a painful surprise.
The rain managed to hold off until around 4am, but then it came in force. Bright white flashes of lightning illuminated my entire tent about every 3 minutes, while a mist of fine rain water would occasionally sneak through my single layer ceiling. It still isn't completely dry.
I managed to stay in my tent until 8am, the latest I've slept in yet. I wasn't alone though, as we were all rather lax in our morning duties. After some cold oatmeal (surprisingly satisfying out here), I begrudgingly packed up my wet gear and set out.
Mr. Fantastic and I hiked together today, and the first half of the hike was heavenly. The mountains weren't too steep, we got to see all sorts of different terrain, there was a cool mist in the air, and we had spectacular views. As for animal life, we started the day with a wild turkey, and ended it was a couple deer. Between the two sightings my feet turned to ground beef.
After our lunch I went on ahead and quickly discovered some brutal, if not relatively brief, inclines and declines. As has been the case, my love for uphill climbs increases each day, while my blistering hatred for downhill rages brighter all the time. Today was no exception, even if the views on this particular brutal downhill were some of the best on the trip.
We trudged into the shelter at 5pm, the second latest I've finished a hike out here. At the shelter we met the Ridgerunner Carl, and he told us that we just did the most difficult section of the Smokies.. who knew? We each set off to make our dinners, and I set up my tent to dry it out (not happening).
The plan for tomorrow was going to be an easy 7 mile day so we could climb up to Clingman's Dome the following morning for sunrise, and end up in town. We've been revising this however. Our tentative plan is now to hike all the way to town tomorrow, an 18 mile day. I hope it happens, because I ate a lot of my provisions tonight once we decided on the plan. We're both pretty desperate for food, and I'm out of fuel for my stove. Sounds like the best time to push through, especially with a zero day to follow.
Not too much excitement today, mostly just foot pain. Also not enough sunlight to charge my phone. With a mere 10 percent battery remaining I'm going to just make it into town with a dwindling charge. But town means so much! New food supply, shower and laundry, beer and restaurants, a roof and a movie theater. It's always good to feel like a human being again before you dive back into the woods. Wish me luck tomorrow, as I'll certainly need it.