A late finish

I'll attempt to keep this post short, as it was a long day. I didn't get much sleep last night, mostly because in the YMCA field I was able to leech off of someone's wifi. With an opportunity like that I have a hard time not downloading things to entertain myself while deep in the woods.
The sun was definitely a wake up call, not having the cool, dappled tree cover of the trail to dull its power. So, we got up, broke camp, and walked toward laundry and breakfast.
Weasie's breakfast was massive and spectacular. We were both so full by the end of our plates that we couldn't even eat dessert. This isn't the norm for a hiker appetite. Breakfast was finished around the same time as the laundry, so it was time to check out the gear shop.
It was a mile walk over to the store, but Mr. F needed new shoes, and I needed new trekking pole tips. He got what he wanted, changing from boots to stiff-bottom hiking shoes, but they didn't have tips for Black Diamond poles. I did however get a bottle of bug spray with Maxi Deet. Hopefully that'll keep the little gnats away, since nothing else has seemed to work so far. My steripen drowned in one of the rainstorms, so I've been using Aqua Mira to purify my water. That works, but I wanted something better, and thought I'd follow the recommendation given by a Mr. Charles Hoover. So I picked up a new squeeze filter, and we called for a ride to the movie theater.
DuBose came and picked us up 20 minutes later. He was a fun, surly, older gent who told us a secret. Yesterday, when Miss Lady was giving us her tour, she told us that the Y didn't actually give free showers, but that a secret individual was paying each year for all the thru-hiker showers. When we told this story to DuBose, he admitted to being the very same trail angel. We thanked him for his annual kindness, but mostly we were just excited to have discovered a mystery, and solved it, in just 2 days in Waynesboro. Go team!
DuBose dropped us at the theater, and even offered to hold onto our gear and pick us up after it was over. We happily accepted more of his kindness, and trotted in to see pure sci-fi thriller.
I found Prometheus to be a pretty big letdown overall, but I will say that the first half was spectacular in its design, and in Michael Fassbender. Still, it was worth the time and effort just to enjoy a flick.
DuBose met us, just as he said he would, and dumped us off at the post office. Mr. Fantastic had to ship a few things home. After that it was a brief lunch on the way to Krogers. I had a burger that may have been the juiciest I've ever eaten. It was like a hot beef peach, juices soaking into my flavor saver.
At Krogers we saw Tiny Dancer and Pinball Wizard, and decided to share a ride back to the trail from Miss Lady. We also bumped into Eva and Short Term, all doing their own resupply shopping. Hikers take a controlling share in any food market along the trail.
Miss Lady came 5 minutes after we called, and we all enjoyed her company again. This has definitely been one of the best towns on the trail. Back in the woods we had to fill out our registration forms, as we're now back in the National Park arena. I hope the Shenandoahs are nicer to hikers than the Smokies were.
The 7 mile hike took us to the first shelter well after dark. Not the best way for Mr. F to break in new shoes, especially on the rocky terrain. We did make it however, sore feet and all.
We have 2 long days ahead of us before a short day that'll end in a reunion with my parents. That'll be a lot of fun and we're both excited. I need to get some sleep now, or I'll wind up passing out sitting up. I hope tomorrow isn't quite as rocky so I can baby my mashed up feet.