What's luck got to do with it?

Waking up to a hot breakfast being served to you is the right way to start the day. Dick Flap caught up with us this morning so he could eat properly as well, which was certainly surprising. While eating, he regaled us with a new tale of "stealth" camping that amazed everyone. He's always good for a crazy story. All I'll say is that it's amazing the police officer didn't arrest him and Suds.
We took our time leaving today, and I charged up my phone while lounging around the campsite. When Mr. Fantastic and I did get started, we very quickly adopted different paces. I was aiming for my 10 miles in 3 hours again, which would take me to a shelter for lunch, while Mr. F nursed his mostly healed foot. I hit my mark again over some lovely terrain. Pennsylvania may end in nonstop rocks, but early on it's really quite relaxing.
I kicked off my shoes, stuffed my face, and watched some podcasts in the shelter as everyone else ambled in. I stayed there for 2 and a half hours to really soak up the ambiance of the relaxing day. Eventually the crew (Eva, Short Term, Free, Scientist, Red Fury, High Life, U-Pack, Jeez Louise, and Knock on Wood) all trickled back onto the trail. Mr. Fantastic and I followed behind, and adopted our paces.
We only had another 6.2 left, and it was starting to spit more than just a drizzle. The weather managed to stay wet and cool, without ever turning into a full fledged rain. That's pretty perfect weather for hiking, as it keeps you quite cool and comfortable.
I finished those last miles in an hour and 45 minutes, which made me happy, and found myself at a pair of rather mundane shelters. Everyone arrived immediately after, and only Red Fury and High Life continued past.
It was another easy hike, and Mr. F's foot seems all the better for it. Unfortunately he's done a little math and is realizing how unlikely it's becoming that he can finish on time. A possible solution he threw out there would be if he skips ahead about 200 miles to make the timing manageable, and allow him to finish at Katahdin. He's hoping I'll join him, which is sounding good to me since I'd like it if we can take our pictures together at the finish line. Afterwards I can go back and hike the 2 sections I skipped with no real timeline. It makes sense, but for now we're just doing a little mulling.
Tomorrow is a BIG day. We will finally hit the actual halfway point, and attempt the half gallon challenge. I'll let you know how that goes, and if we manage to complete the 16 miles that will follow said bellyful of dairy.