If you're gonna spew, spew into this

Strangely enough, last nights sleep was the best I've had since I got off the trail. I only woke up once during the night, because I heard what I thought was a bear defecating outside of my tent. It was just Chris farting though, to my great relief. There's a sentence I never thought I'd say.
Before setting out, Chris adjusted his pack to raise the hip belt. The result was an external metal frame that doesn't press against his back. That small adjustment helped him immensely.
We had 3.5 miles to hike to the next shelter, which held the first available water source and a place to break for an early lunch. We made it in good time, and Chris celebrated by laying down in the shade of the shelter for an hour. He snacked, I ate in earnest, and we pressed on.
It was only another 1.8 to a road with a General Store / Deli. There I had a full lunch, while Chris attempted to eat for a hiker. We upped our food supplies, and walked back to the trailhead.
This was the part of the days hike that included a long ascent, and the Chris-guts were none too happy about that. About a mile into the climb I heard him starting to dry-wretch while he hiked. It wasn't long before the floodgates opened. He stood there, leaning on a tree, tossing up large pieces of hamburger sub, backpack on, like a hiker. With his cherry popped, I welcome him to the illustrious club of trail-puckers. It's not a very small club.
We lugged ourselves the rest of the way, bringing the days total miles hiked to 8.8, and set up camp. Water was filtered, dinners eaten, and bear bags hung. We discussed body odor. I believe I smell like a moldy towel, while Chris believes he smells like a wet dog. If it's possible to have more fun than this while miserable, I don't know how.
We have an optimistic goal of 8 miles for tomorrow, which would bring us to Boiling Springs. Since I was in that town before I know the quality of the Inn there, and we intend on taking advantage. So if we can make it 8 miles, our day will end with a shower, laundry, and comfortable beds. If not it'll end at a shelter before town, and we'll just go to Boiling Springs to resupply. Either way, I'm getting a soda while there.