Quadruple digits!

Mr. Fantastic started today on Gizmo's schedule, and got on the trail around 7:30am. I was a bit slower this morning, enjoying the comforts of my tent a little longer than necessary. Still, I got going at 8:30am.
We had thought that the Virginia roller coaster was further back, and that we had finished with it. We were wrong. I queued up for the ride, not really knowing what to expect. The profile on my map looked exceedingly easy, but its notoriety said otherwise.
After the first couple of pointless up-downs, I caught up with Mr. Fantastic and Gizmo. I had already passed by Dirty D, who had camped with us last night. Speaking of Dirty D, he remembered you, Mom and Vince, and even snagged one of the Gatorades you left by the trail. He was very grateful, and spoke highly of you both.
The temperature was quickly rising, and when we finished the 7 miles to the shelter for lunch, we were all happy for the break. Dirty D joined us as well.
I started off before the others, because I could already feel the heat of the day taking its toll. Dirty D passed me pretty quickly though, and at the second water source I stopped and waited for the rest of my retinue. They joined me for a brief rest, and then we got back on the roller coaster. None of the climbs were long, but many were very steep and rocky. It made for a day that was easy on the muscles, but terrible on the joints. The energy would have been nice to savor if not for the heat, which sapped any enjoyment from that area. Plus it was one of the buggiest days yet. I don't know how these gnats could have evolved to kamikaze into my eyes and ears, but it seems rather juvenile to sacrifice your life just to try and trip me up.
After a couple of miles I got out in front and kept going. The speed grants me a mild bug reprieve, a subtle breeze, and a chance to make it to the hostel before the sun sets. Of course hiking alone also means that when I reached the end of Virginia, the largest section of trail, and the 1000 mile marker, I did so alone, to no fanfare. Regardless, both achievements helped to raise my spirits on a rough day, and I kept on towards the faint possibility of a soda.
When I finally reached the blue blaze pointing toward the hostel I was dry but salty, starving, and very sore. The first thing I did was drop my pack at the bunk house, and follow Dirty D's instruction to meet the caretaker for a free soda. Thank you Chis! Dr. Bob is yet another Dr. Pepper knockoff, but it was fantastic all the same.
I ate a slow dinner with D, and decided to set up my tent instead of staying in the bunk. No A/C in a small bunk house full of people I don't know sounds like a recipe for a hot miserable night.
So here I lay, exhausted in my little tent. Mr. Fantastic and Gizmo still haven't arrived yet, so I'm beginning to wonder if they may have decided to camp along the trail. It was a rough day, and if I was Gizmo I'd never make it this far. Of course he is in much better shape than I was when I started this adventure, so who knows what'll happen. Maybe he's trying out a little night hiking. Either way, I'll reunite with them tomorrow on the way to Harper's Ferry. Then onward to DC. It feels great to be this far along, and I'm hoping that the second half of this trip will have an emotional feeling of downhill. Not a physical feeling though, as that's how I hurt my knees and feet.