Keep your head down

When I got out of my tent, around 8am, the only person left in camp was Etch-a-Sketch. I joined her for breakfast, and I'm beginning see different trends in this community of hikers. Where last summer most people I knew would yellow blaze, this summer everyone hates yellow blazers. I'm curious if this is because I'm out here with a much earlier crew, or if the hiker community this summer will continue to frown on it.
Whatever the case, I finished up my meal and bid Etch adieu.
My left hip is aching pretty good, so I started a little slow to let it warm up. No such luck since it was rocks right from the start. Also basically straight to the end. I hobbled over the terrain for 4.5 miles and then down into Wind Gap. Once in town I headed for the first open place that sold food, the Beer Stein. Inside I found Sky Pilot and Mr. Chips, two of the guys I had camped with last night. I hopped onto a barstool in the style of Commander Ryker, and ordered a quesadilla with 3 birch beers.
It was noon when I finished my meal, and I quickly stopped at the gas station for some snacks before walking back up the road to the trail. I got a few waves and honks from the townspeople as I made my way, but mostly just curious stares.
The climb out of the gap was of course a bitch, but thankfully short. It was another 9 miles to the Kirkridge shelter, so I tried to keep my pace quick and my breaks brief. I honestly don't know any other ways to say how rocky this bit is. It's all anyone is discussing, and I wish I had finished it before dropping off last year. I'm putting my feet through a lot of wear and tear right at the offset. I can't even take a moment to glance around, because if I'm not staring for my next awkward step, I'm about to fall. You couldn't pay me to hike the northern 40 miles of PA again.
It was a nice day, if a little hot, but the bugs were the worst I've ever experienced. I couldn't stop moving or the swarm that rides my draft would catch up and attack in unison. Occasionally I would, just to start smashing them all against my body in a futile effort to quell their numbers.
Even with how crap a day it was, my spirits are pretty high. It's starting to feel like home again out here, and Pennsylvania will be behind me tomorrow (the mantra I repeated all day).
When I got to the shelter I was met by Sky Pilot and Mr. Chips, as well as Etch-a-sketch. She was on her way forward, to camp closer to Delaware Water Gap with the rest of her merry troupe. SP and Mr. C kept the conversation going while I stuffed my face, and we all dragged our gear under the roof when the sky started to darken. Just before the rain started to fall another hiker joined us by the name of Lush, who is from Lumerton.
Tomorrow I just have 7 miles into Delaware Water Gap, and I'll be staying at the hostel there. That should give me a nice nearo to heal up, because I have the beginnings of some blisters. It's going to feel so good to be out of PA, and then I'll be on the same stretch of trail that I first did years ago.
It's looking like it's going to be a very wet night, apparently with tornado warnings. Thankfully this shelter is much nicer than the last few, and I'll by cozy and dry in my sleeping bag. Well, mostly dry.. there's no such thing as dry on this trip.
