Another Bear Mountain

Last night was hands down my best nights sleep on the trail. I didn't wake up until 7:30am, and the bugs didn't keep me awake at all thanks to my tent. When I did crawl outside I saw that the only people left were Smiley, who was heading on, the SoBo siblings, and a group of three girls who must have pulled into camp after I went to bed.
I threw my gear together and started off without filling my water, because only a mile away was a rest stop. The hike there did a fair job of getting my blood pumping, so when I strolled over to the vending machines I had a powerful hunger and thirst.
The caffeine and sugar helped, because I had a short but challenging climb ahead of me to contend with. About 50 stories over a half mile. It was another cool beautiful day though, with great visibility and almost no bugs. I crossed paths with Smiley a couple times on our way to Bear Mountain. We were already craving another soda, and there were more vending machines at the top.
The hike up was wonderful. The trail was man-made, with tamped down gravel and stone steps placed along the way. It made for a gradual, smooth climb up an otherwise imposing rock face. It also made for some spectacular views, as I wound my way around the mountain on the serpentine trail. As much as NY can frustrate me with its occasional poor blazes and unnecessary challenges, it has had the many of the best views I've seen.
At the top of Bear Mountain I stocked up on beverages and found a bench overlooking NY. Smiley joined me shortly after, and we ate our lunches while telling trail stories. The summit is a popular area, and there were many people milling about. We even saw Apple Butter, who was taking a zero and gave us each a cold bottle of water.
Before starting down the mountain I made a bathroom stop, only to discover that my bowels weren't especially happy with me. That made the decision for me to stay in Ft. Montgomery for the night, just to play it safe.
I said farewell to Smiley and started my walk down the other side of beautiful Bear Mountain. Many day-hikers passed me coming up, and we shared great views of the Hudson below.
As the forest receded behind me I found myself in a very public park around a beautiful lake. People were grilling, picnicking, swimming and boating as I walked by. The blazes took me around the lake, and then across the street to pass by a giant mountainside swimming pool. A few steps further and I was walking through a free zoo that is also the trail. For the end of a beautiful hike to go through a zoo made my whole day feel like some kind of backwater Disney amusement park ride. They could have done without the hornets though, because the one who stung the back of my neck is not a creature I even care to see at a zoo. At first I thought I was hiking, but eventually I realized I was in line to see coyotes look at me menacingly.
After staring down all the animals, I went to get a room at the Bear Mountain Inn. It's a beautiful place and a bit more comfort than I need right now, but aside from the demands of my burbling bowels it also gave me a chance to find a deer tick on my hip that was helping itself to my blood. One full-body tick check later I feel clean again.
My stomach seems to be doing better now that I'm in luxury, and there's a good chance my parents are going to come visit me again tomorrow. Sometimes I think I'm too comfortable out here, but then I remember that I like comfort. I'll take this relaxing opportunity to watch the season premiere of Comedy Bang Bang, and just be grateful for the chance timing.
