Our first snow

I woke to the beautiful sight of CVS stoking a morning fire. Salty Hiker was just waking as well, so we collected some firewood for CVS and began our breakfast rituals.
I was the first to leave camp today, as it was terribly cold and windy. Moving warns you up better than anything.
Today was a 12 mile day, but it went by quite painlessly. Tim caught up with me in the afternoon and we hiked down to our planned campsite.
The rest of our crew didn't make it this far today, but we did get to camp with Nat Geo.
Nat Geo consists of two hikers (Balloo and Pac Man) who are filming a 90 minute self-funded documentary. It was a nice day if not for the cold and occasional snow and hail. It's currently raining pretty hard and has warmed up a bit though, so tonight shouldn't be as painful as last night.
Tomorrow should be 10 miles, and then we'll be hitting another town the next day to resupply. That is of course if we don't have any problems with bears, since this area of the trail is apparently a bear sanctuary. If seeing that posted on every tree around the trail doesn't put your mind at ease in your sleeping bag, then nothing will.