Best views and best weather

I awoke tucked tightly in my sleeping bag, dreading how cold it was going to be. I was joyously surprised though, as today was absolutely beautiful out!
Our 10 mile hike today was over very level, very beautiful terrain. It made for a wonderful day. Then at the very end came by far our steepest climb yet. It was exhausting, but came with the best view yet. A short hike down brought me to our planned campsite at only 2:30.
Mr. Fantastic arrived shortly, followed by Aspen Gold. We all set up tents (still not willing to sleep with the mice) and ate just as a thunderstorm passed overhead. This brought to camp the Jews, Reid and his dog Rose (I thought he had thrown in the towel), Bret Michaels and Bitchy Bitch, Sleeping Bear, and CVS. It made for another fun evening as we all got excited for our day in Franklin tomorrow and some serious food.
Hopefully I'll find some signal or wifi when there so I can post this backlog of updates. Plus I really want to download the new Dark Tower novel on Audible!
Oh and I almost forgot to mention, Mr. Fantastic thinks there was a bear poking its nose around his tent last night. He says he kept his cool in his sleeping bag, but for his eyes wide open and searching wildly. If it came by my tent I slept soundly through it.