Trail Days Pt. 2

The hunt for breakfast began around 8:15 today. Our little entourage (Too Far, Detour, Optimus, Stonechair, Meta, Tapeworm/Landfill, Mr. Fantastic, and myself) decided on Dairy King, and enjoyed a long wait for filling food. CVS joined us with his entourage and puppy. Always a welcome return to the group!
We then visited the vendors, which was a fun little collection of people. Plenty of people carrying water guns. There were raffles, sales, free schwag, a talent show, auction, carnival food.. it was a great place to wander. Like a small town fair flooded with people, but no rides. Mr. Fantastic got a new tent. Dirt cheap, incredibly spacious, insanely light (1lb 3oz). The brand is Appy Tents, or abbreviated, AT. That alone will shave 2.5lbs from his pack weight.
We wandered back to tent city, passing some people filling water balloons, and I changed into shorts and put my shoes on so as not to burn my feet. By this time we were already running a little late for the parade. We met up with the rest of this years hikers at the Mojoe coffee shop, grabbed some cold water, and enjoyed the mass of like-minded people mingling. We were also joined again by Reid, whose name has changed (and rightly so) to Reidiculous. We were following a fire truck down the main drag of Damascus, filling the street en masse. The true purpose of all the water fight paraphernalia became apparent, as the first few houses we pass start lobbing water balloons. The further we walk into town, the more the water fight escalates into a water war. Hikers in our group are carrying coolers on wheels full of water for resupply. I saw an old man sniping from his second story window, only to have a high pressure blast of water knock him back and cause him to slam his window shut. I saw a line of 15 people on top of our frequented pizza joint, with a seemingly endless supply of water balloons, raining down hilarity and a chance to cool off. Children with water guns hiding behind their parents. Water balloons, under-filled, careening off of people's heads without popping, a resonating wet slap and a gasp from everyone in eyeshot. It was pretty epic, and a hell of a lot of fun.
The parade was definitely the highlight of the day, but when night came CVS brought the feast. First Triscuits and homemade salsa, then caramel Brie with bread, a cold salad with a grain I forget the name of, corn on the cob, and hot buffalo chicken sandwiches. It was amazing to say the least. Between all that wonderful, the Benadryl, and a couple of beers I needed a nap. It's kinda awesome to just have that option always available.
When I woke up we wandered over to see the bluegrass band playing. They had a pretty amazing sound, and recruited a hula-hooping-hiker into dancing for their last couple songs.
By the time we got back it was dark, and everyone was in a food coma. Another relatively early night for our group. No complaints from me. Our ride leaves at 1pm tomorrow for Erwin. Before that I have to restock my food a bit, and maybe siphon some wifi from the coffee shop. After that we still need to hitch back to Dan's gap, and hike to the next shelter. Trail Days has been a ton of fun, but I think we're all about ready to be back on the trail. I know I'm looking forward to it.