Trail Days concluded

I was very happy that this morning would by my last waking up in this field, as I wake with dense droplets of condensation covering the inside of my tent. Unfortunately during the night both Too Far and Stonechair got sick. It seems like they got the stomach virus that is going around in Erwin. When we get to Erwin in a couple of days everyone plans on stocking up and hiking right through. No need to spend too much time in a town that hikers are getting sick in.
Mr. Fantastic and I walked over to Mojoe's for an everything bagel and some free wifi. We met up with Milkman, who we hadn't seen since the NOC, and Aspen Glow who have been hiking together. I picked up the next few maps at the gear store as well as an inflatable pillow to help quell my allergy problem at night. After that, a quick trip to the Dollar General (thank you Mom and Vince for the trail funds!), and then back to tent city.
The place was already mostly cleared out when I returned. I passed Meta, Optimus, and James on their way to the shuttle, and I set about the task of breaking my 3 night campsite down. Mr. Fantastic and Stonechair were doing the same, though Stonechair stayed behind in Damascus along with Too Far and Reidiculous. We're not sure when we'll meet up with them again. Trail Days gives, and Trail Days taketh away.
Because there were 7 of us (Meta, Tapeworm/Landfill, Optimus, James, Sleeping Bear, Mr. Fantastic, and myself) needing to get further South the church shuttle driver brought us right back to Sam's Gap. 5 rides North, 1 shuttle South. Sleeping Bear was further back, so continued South while the rest of us moved forward.
It was 4pm by the time we got back to the trail, so it was a short day at only 4 miles to a campsite. The first time we haven't stayed at a shelter since all the way back at Bly Gap just past the Georgia border.
It feels great to be back on the trail! The sun was too hot without all the shade of the trees, and breezes on the ridge lines. We all set about our tent/hammock setup routines, and collected around the cold hearth to feast.
Dinner was enjoyed by all, as was the company. A couple of other hikers joined us at camp, and Mr. Fantastic, Tapeworm/Landfill, and myself worried away the last of the light with a little light frisbee. It's good to be back in our natural habitat, quiet but for the sounds of birds, frogs, and insects; dark except for the starlight. Though I think many of us do relate in our feelings of loss over the tipping of the ratios back to their normal trail state. It was nice for a while to have more than 2 girls around within a days hike. Now it's back to men, and a few ballsy girls.